Shape is an important consideration when choosing between different types of silicone breast implants. Breast implants are available in two shapes: round and anatomical.

When choosing implants, both shape and consistency should be factored into a patient’s decision. There are differences in consistency between form stable (shaped) and cohesive silicone gel (round) breast implants.

Natrelle 410 Anatomical Implant (form stable) and Natrelle Round Silicone Implant (cohesive gel)

Shaped silicone implants (like the Natrelle 410, pictured above left) are highly cohesive, form stable silicone gel breast implants. Compared to the round silicone gel implants (pictured above right), the shaped implants have an anatomical, or teardrop, shape. The anatomical shape has more volume at the base of the implant and less volume in the upper part of the implant.


The outside shell of the Natrelle 410, and other anatomical implants, is textured to prevent the implant from shifting or rotating position after being placed in the body.

In breast augmentation where a breast lift is not needed, the implant size will be the most significant factor in your final shape, much more-so than the implant shape or projection. Even tear-drop shaped silicone implants that are firmer and fuller at the bottom of the breast than the top often have less impact on the final breast shape than you might expect.


Choosing a Shape and Size: 3D Simulation

Choosing an implant shape is based on a patient’s personal preference and is best determined by a personalized consultation to review your goals. I have found 3D simulation to be an indispensable part of my breast consultation process in helping patients literally see the size and shape of different implants on a photo of their own chest. I do this before sizing and have found much better patient satisfaction with implant choices.


3D breast augmentation simulation technology allows you to virtually “try on” different implant
shapes on your own body and view potential results you would obtain from a shaped silicone implant, as well as the round silicone gel implants. I have found this to be a very valuable tool when deciding between different implant shapes and sizes.

At Colorado Plastic Surgery Center, we offer a variety of implant types and manufacturers including:

  • Anatomical Shaped Implants – Allergan Natrelle 410, Sientra HSC+  and Mentor MemoryShape
  • Round Smooth Implants – Allergan Natrelle Gel, Allergan Inspira Smooth, Mentor MemoryGel and Sientra HSC Smooth
  • Round Textured Implants – Allergan Inspira Textured, Mentor Siltex and Sientra HSC Textured.

Having a variety of implant options available allows us to work together to determine which type of implant will be the best fit for you, based on your individual needs and desired results.

Learn More:

If you are considering a breast augmentation, learn more about the timeline and what to expect with our Breast Surgery Timeline. To see results from our patients who have had breast augmentation procedures, view our Before and After Photo Gallery for form stable Anatomical Silicone Implants and cohesive gel Round Silicone Implants.


Do you have questions about the difference between round and anatomical breast implants or which would be the best option for you? Contact us to set up a consultation.

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