After several months of hard work, Dr. Slenkovich and I are proud to announce our brand new breast website,! Since breast surgeries are the main focus in our practice and easily the most common procedure Dr. Slenkovich performs, we thought breast procedures deserved more emphasis.
Please check out the website to see articles, content, blogs, photos, and videos unique to Elegant Breast. We’re always open to learning and writing about new topics, so please leave comments in the blog entries with questions or feedback!
With help from the rest of the staff, Dr. Slenkovich and I will contribute to the blog regularly to continue to emphasize communication and patient connection and we hope that Elegant Breast will help convey that as well. We have expanded on topics present on and have added fresh content based on patient needs.
We’d also like to thank Erika, Andrew, Jonathan, and the rest of the staff at Page1Solutions for working with us to get the website set up, and to the wonderful patients who participated in our video testimonial shoot. We couldn’t have done it without you.
We hope you enjoy the new website and as always, feel free to contact us any time!
– Madeline, Marketing Coordinator